Sequence of Hepatitis B Markers

1. When someone is exposed to Hepatitis B Virus (HPV, Hepatitis B surface antigen, (HBsAg), is the first thing to appear.

HBsAg presence is an indication of an active infection of the HBV.

Person tested positive to HBsAg is considered infectious and not fit to donate blood.

2. Hepatitis B ‘e’ antigen (HBeAg) tend to appear shortly after HBsAg. When this occur, it signify high degree of infectivity and is present during viral replication.

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3. Antibody to the core antigen (ant-HBc), can be detected shortly after the appearance of symptoms. IGM core antibody indicates a current or recent infection whereas IgG antibody may persist for life and may indicate a current or past HBV infection.

4. Antibody to HBeAg (ant-HBe) appears shortly after HBeAg disappears from the serum. The presence of this antibody signify that the infection is being resolved.

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5. Antibody to HbsAg (ant-HBs), appear after HBsAg disappears from the blood and it indicates a convalescent phases. It provides protective immunity.

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