Schistosomiasis Clinical Diseases

The clinical symptoms of schistosomiasis may be divided into three phases.

Below we give you phase and some explanation.

1. Developmental phase

We have state referred to as developmental phase in Schistosomiasis.

The phase includes the Period from the penetration of the skin to the development of mature worms. Mild cutaneous lesions may develop at the site of entry and there may be tissue reactions due to presence of immature worms, both inside and outside the blood vessels.

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2. Production and discharge of eggs

The second phase of clinical symptom schistosomiasis, is eggs production and discharge.

As soon as the eggs are produced, initially they are trapped in the venules. The eggs liberate a number of enzymes which facilitate there passage to the lumen of the bladder or the intestine. In S. Haematobium infection, the spine on the airplane cause hematuria at the end of micturition. S. manosoni and S. Japonicum infections may lead to blood stained faeces.

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3. Immunological Response

The third stage of this is the immunological response.

As the eggs are deposited in tissues, they are antigens involved an immune response in the host, leading to the formation of granuloma around the eggs in tissues. The 1 of the intestine or the bladder become inflamed and ticking causing mechanical obstruction. Some eggs are swept into blood circulation and deposited in the liver and other organs in the body. S. japonicum infections while pulmonary involvement is more common with us haematobium infection.

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