What is Microorganisms?

Microorganisms are tiny organism which cannot be able to be seen with our naked eyes except with the help of microscope. Microorganism are ubiquitous in nature, (they are found everywhere i.e., in the air, soil, water, cloth, human bodies, etc.Some microorganisms are beneficial to man while some are harmful. Those which are beneficial to men are called commensal, while those that cause sickness to man or harmful to men are called pathogenic.


Microorganism is group into the following;Bacteria

  • Virus
  • Protozoa
  • Fungi
  • Algae
  • Rickettsiae
  • Chlamydia
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Although this section is mainly base on bacteria but a brief explanation of microorganism will be explain because with this explanation, it will give more insight of our discussion.Virus: this are microorganism that is very small, they are the smallest and the simplest life form of microorganism. They are capable of self-replication measured in nanometer 10-9Mnm.They do not have cell structure; they are rod like in shape while some others are spherical. Virus is made up of simplest form of some coat of protein and the inner core are made up of nuclei acid, the nuclei acid found inside the virus core are either DNA ( Dioxy ribonucleic acid) or RNA ( Riboxy nucleic acid). Virus never and will never contain both of these nucleic acid, and no virus has ever been found to contain both of these substance.Protozoa: these are small single or unicellular microorganism that belongs to the lowest division of the animal kingdom. They are made up of protoplasm and they are separated into nucleic and cytoplasm and are known to have no photo-synthetic relationships. Protozoa are group into four classes, the classification base on their locomotive organelles e.g.Class 1 Rhizopoda: this microorganism belongs to protozoan they have organelles called pseudopodia, they move by the projection of these pseudopodia.Below is the diagrammatic chart of

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